Monday, 30 June 2008


I just opened a LibraryThing account and searched via tagmash for books relating to my interest in academic librarianship. I found that adding in "boarding school" or anything along those lines only pulled up Harry Potter books and other fiction so I made my search very simple and then scanned titles. Here are the tags from one book I found using a search of "librarianship, non-fiction":

April_2007 Bankier professional(1) higher education(1) information literacy(4) instruction(1) librarianship(1) libraries(1) library instruction(1) library science(1) non-fiction(3) pedagogy(1) perused(1) recommended(1) teaching(2) unread

The book, Motivating Students in Information Literacy Classes, can be found here:

I liked the sound of this book because it deals with how to motivate students to learn and love research and gives tips for working in conjunction with the teachers. It was also one of the few books which dealt with students outside of the elementary level.

I found a few other books during my search which I liked and so I'll include them as well, even though they are not necessary. These books, for the most part, would have been hard to find using tagging because most of them have very limited variety on their tags. I would have had to be very lucky to get a hit off of them based on what I was initially searching (boarding school, library, librarian, academic, high school, private,...).

Exploding the myths: the truth about teens and reading
Diversity now: people, collections, and services in academic libraries
Right Book, Right Time: 500 Great Reads for Teenagers

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